Saturday, March 26, 2016

Whats With Luigi's Death stare

The Luigi death stare kind is pretty cool so pretty much waluigi pass by him and that kinda pissed him off so luigi threw a red koopa shell and gave him that ridin dirty look.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Nintendo NX Explained Why It Could Be Power Full Than The Xbox 1

So last year of 2015 Nintendo told us about the NX and how it would look and so far it looks likes its a no no from a lot of fans and other Xbox And Playstation 4 FANBOYS. Alot of people think the Nintendo nx might be a controller that has a screen. some people think it could be a gaming system and smartphone(Really People)
Here is the outlook.
Did you see that picture it kind of looks like a classic GameBoy from 1990 but with a more 2016 smartphone look, and also as you cant tell its got half of different buttons from different consoles like those color buttons from the Nintendo 64 is in there those purple ones are from the GameCube and that Plus button looks like a Gameboy Advance Button or a DS kind of Plus button.